After your internship, you will be required to do mandatory one-year community service before you can register as an independent practitioner.

We all know that this can be a daunting and challenging time. With the vast variety of facilities available for placement, the facilities you submit on your application could shape much of your future career. 

By providing you with commserve reviews, we hope to help you make the best decisions for your application. 

Please remember to pay your own experience forward to those coming into internship and commserve after you. You can easily do this by completing the questionnaires found in the Quick Links.

Community Service Questionnaires

Please fill in our questionnaire to leave a review of your commserve experience. Read More...

Community Service Reviews

Commserve reviews by doctors that previously worked at the various facilities. Read More...

Although community service is a compulsory step of a doctor’s career, it provides a great opportunity to grow your clinical skills and set your CV up for a fruitful career. Don’t find yourself exiting community service without a plan for employment in your first month as an independent practitioner!

Whether you have been allocated to a rural/district level hospital or an academic hospital, it is always a great idea to find out early on which diplomas your facility is accredited for. If, however, your facility is not accredited for any diplomas, it’s never too early to start studying for the primaries of whatever field you are interested in.

If none of these options excite you, don’t worry. You can always improve your skills and your CV by doing various short courses. The point remains: don’t waste this year!